Virginia Community Services Block Grant
Course Collection

Develop skills for success in community action!

Our courses provide you with current and relevant information to develop Community Action administration knowledge, skills, and competencies. We have specified courses for all levels of Community Action Professionals and Board members. Some series courses now offer a downloadable and printable Certificate of Completion!
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Virginia’s Community Action Network
Working together to overcome poverty and build self-sufficiency, strong families and communities.

What can we achieve together through

Community Action in Virginia

Community Action Agencies receive their core funding from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and General Assembly appropriated CSBG funds. The Virginia Department of Social Services' Office of Economic Opportunity provides oversight for the Virginia Community Action Partnership network.

Community action began 50 years ago in the United States as part of the War on Poverty. More than 1,100 local community action agencies across the country now fight poverty and build self-sufficiency, for strong families and communities throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia has 31 nonprofit private and public community action agencies.

Community action's mission is to address the issues of poverty and to increase the self-sufficiency of low-income families. These agencies offer a broad range of anti-poverty programs and work collaboratively with businesses and other agencies to build a network of support for Virginia's most vulnerable populations. 

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