OEO Staff

Upcoming Reminders, Events, and Training

Abatement Academy Webinar Series - The Virginia Opioid Abatement Authority (OAA) and the Virginia Institute of Government (VIG) presents a series of FREE, bi-weekly webinars to highlight examples programs that align with nationally recognized principles for the use of funds from opioid litigation. The intended audience includes local government representatives, state agency professionals, and groups or individuals who provide services or support to people suffering from opioid use disorders. The Abatement Academy will also include one-day in-person workshops on September 7 (Abingdon) and October 19 (Charlottesville). Future webinars will be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 10:30-11:30am: 

  • Principle 2: Use Evidence to Guide Spending - July 13, July 27 Principle 3: Invest in Youth Prevention – Aug. 10, Aug. 24, Sept. 14
  • Principle 4: Focus on Racial Equity – Sept. 28, Oct. 12, Oct. 26
  • Principle 5: Develop a Fair and Transparent Process for Deciding Where to Spend the Funding – Dec. 9, Dec. 14

Keys to Successfully Managing the Implementation of Your Strategic Plan
 - July 13, 2-3pm - Today’s operating environment has grown in complexity and, too often, our planning processes haven’t kept up. Does your strategic plan implementation need some improvement? If so, this session is for you! You’ll learn specific tools to take your organization’s strategic plan implementation to the next level including project management techniques, monitoring, and tracking necessities, and other implementation strategies. These techniques and strategies will elevate your ability to measure, track, communicate, and align what matters most to drive improved results for your agency and those you serve. Register 

Standards of Excellence - July 20, 10-11am - America’s communities need and deserve excellent Community Action Agencies. Every organization can improve, and should continuously strive to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and to exceed expectations. In this session we will explore what excellence means in Community Action as defined by the 35 Standards of Excellence, and discuss strategies for strengthening your agency, including through the National Community Action Partnership’s Pathways to Excellence program. Register

More training events on the VACAP Events and Training Calendar 

Enroll Virginia: Healthy Together Thursdays - Each week at 11:00am on Thursdays, Enroll Virginia navigators and other special guests discuss a variety of health care topics on Facebook Live. These 30-minute conversations include brief presentations from our speakers and time for Q&A in English and Spanish. 

Virginia Inclusion Summit – Sept. 18, Westin Richmond - The Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities will bring together workplace professionals, government employees, and higher education administrators and students for a day of learning, sharing, and connecting. Attendees have the opportunity to explore current events and learn about best practices to help institutions across Virginia become more inclusive. Link to register: https://inclusiveva.org/programs/businesses/inclusionsummit/   

Invite Your Federal Legislators to Visit Your Agency - In August, your members of Congress, both from the House of Representatives and the Senate, will be home working and looking for good opportunities to connect in their districts. Now is a perfect time to invite your members of Congress to visit your agency during the August Work Period. For more tips and information, including a template email to send to your congressman, visit NCAF website 

VACAP Summit (Save the Date!) - October 10-11, Virginia Housing Center, Richmond - VACAP’s second annual Pathways from Poverty to Prosperity Summit will continue to include networking, encouragement, and hearing about key opportunities from strategic partners and funders.